Arrived in Kinlough!

Hey Guys!  So I've got another update you all.  Yesterday, J got to see Dunluce Castle which he said was pretty amazing!  Today he traveled to Kinlough and got to see the Carrick-a-rede bridge on the way.  The Carrick-a-rede rope bridge is near Giants causeway (which he actually didn't get to see.  Oops my bad guys.) Unfortunately due to a rock slide and geological survey on the island, the rope bridge was closed but I am happy to report he got some amazing footage for the upcoming series.  When he arrived in Kinlough, he got to shoot the breeze with some locals and have a Guinness.  Tomorrow he will be speaking with a 79 year old local man about some of the legends associated with the area.  As you guys can imagine, this is right up our alley.  We don't want the same old stories and famous legends that everyone knows about.  We want the less heard legends only familiar to the locals, so this is an amazing opportunity to get outside of standard knowledge. One such story that J will exploring is about a weird creature-related death from the late 1700s.  According to the locals, the story goes that a lady and her family were mysteriously killed by a dog/sea creature that chased them down along the shore while they were doing laundry. The man that J is speaking with tomorrow will actually be showing J the grave of the lady attached to the legend.  So I know we have been throwing in travel advice into these blogs and we wanted to take a moment to re-address rental cars in Ireland.  If you decide to travel abroad and will be needing a rental car, be sure to not only just call and verify information with the rental company but also be sure to get extra information such as whom you spoke to and when.  (maybe even a call reference number if possible.)  The idea is to gather as much information in your corner as possible so that if you find yourself in a situation like J did where they try charge you an undisclosed astronomical amount of money you will have the evidence you need to prove what you were told.  Ultimately, the more evidence you have in your corner that makes them look bad, the less likely they will be able to get away with not honoring what you were originally told.   For more information and advice, check out J's video below.


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